Our social chair, Nicole Fox, and Publicity Chair, Risa Sugimoto,
are looking for members who would like to be part of either
committee. Not only would you be helping out with the club
and reaching out the other students on campus, but it's a
great way to get more involved with Insight.
A member of the social chair committee would help design
social events for Insight to entertain the members of the club.
These events include GBM's and other possible socials that are
planned for the year. There are currently 2-3 spots open in the
As for the publicity chair committee you would be asked to post
flyers up, table, and etc. around campus informing students about
future meetings or events that are coming up. Risa is looking for at
least 3 members that are interested.
If you are interested please e-mail back Nicole (jn.fox@hotmail.com)
and Risa (rsugimot@ucsd.edu) by this Friday, October 3 by 6pm
WITH the completed Application. Email insightucsd@gmail.com to get
an application. Interviews will be held (for both positions) this Saturday,
Oct. 4th from 4pm to 7pm. If this date or time does not work for you,
please let Nicole or Risa know and hopefully you can arrange a better time.
Hope we hear from you.