Tuesday, October 16, 2007
NECO Luncheon
Dr. Denial from NECO, New England College of Optometry, is coming to UCSD on Friday, October 19th to have lunch with Pre-Optometry students. However, not everyone can go since space is very limited. We only have room for 8 people. So if you are interest to meet with Dr. Denial and talk with her about NECO's admissions process, about the Boston area, and other things, please reply to insightucsd@gmail.com. The first 8 people who replies back will get to have lunch at CPK with Dr. Denial. The luncheon is from 1pm at California Pizza Kitchen, on Nobel and Villa La Jolla. If you need a ride, let us know and we can arrange something. This is a great opportunity, so don't miss out!