Hey Insighters,
Here is a list of our upcoming Events this quarter:
April 2009 Events:
~ 4/15 Pacific University, 7pm, Earl Warren Room, 3rd Floor of Price Center East
~ 4/23 Tour of San Diego Eyebank, 7-9pm, limited carpools provided, please email insightucsd@gmail.com if you want to attend & include your cell phone #
~ 4/28 - Student Panel, NSB 1205 7:00pm: come and ask our panelists questions, and get info about the OATs, pre-reqs, applications, LoRs, etc.
May 2009 Events:
~ 5/4 - Princeton Review, Cabinet Apps, and Scholarship Apps Info Session; Green Table Room in Sungod Lounge, 7pm: Princeton Rep will go over OAT courses and info about 09-10 Cabinet and Scholarships Apps
Other Upcoming Events:
~ Optometrist Panel
~ 2009-2010 Cabinet Elections
~ End of the year Potluck!!!