Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the late notice, but we just got word from Dr. Munroe and unfortunately she is feeling quite ill...therefore, the SCCO meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at 7:30pm in Pacific Hall 3500 has been CANCELLED. Dr. Munroe and Insight apologize for the cancellation. We will work on rescheduling her visit and let you all know when that has been set up. Until then, good luck on finals!

Friday, November 16, 2007

SCCO Meeting!!!

Hey All,

Hope all your midterms are going well. SCCO is finally rescheduled to Thursday, November 29th at 7:30pm in Pac Hall 3500 (same room as the Berkeley meeting). Dr. Munroe will be going over SCCO's OD program, student life and the admissions process. There's going to be free food and refreshments, so hope you can all make it.

Also, Dr. Munroe started a facebook group for prospective optometry students of SCCO. She sends out announcements and updates about SCCO through facebook. If you don't really go on facebook, join it anyways, so you'll get updates and information about SCCO. To join, just follow the attached instructions or search for SCCO in

Hope to see you all on Nov. 29th. Have a good thanksgiving and 4 day weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mintues for SUNY/UCB

The Minutes are up for the SUNY and UC Berkeley Meetings. So check them out under the miuntes link.

Also, the newsletter editor, Sandy, needs your help. She's in the process of writing this quarter's newsletter and she would like some of your input.

- What would you like to see in the newsletter?
- What would be helpful to know about optometry?
- Should there be crosswords, jokes, puzzles, etc. on the newsletter?

This newsletter is for the members of Insight, so if you have any opinions or input please let Sandy or us know. Thanks!!!